Prof. Dr. Farhan Saif

I have a broad range of research interests covering many disciplines, using an even balance of analytical and numerical methods, and often work closely with experimentalists. These include quantum computers/information/cryptography, atomtronics, entanglement engineering, quantum optics, classical/quantum chaos, quantum algoritm and machine learning, artificial lattice systems from optical lattices to graphene, solitons, vortices, fractals, and other nonlinear phenomena in nonlinear Schrodinger and nonlinear Dirac equations as realized in Bose-Einstein condensates and a variety of topics in mathematical physics and the physics of complex systems. I am honored to mentor an intense, active, diverse research group including undergraduates, MS and PhD graduate students and PhD graduate students.
I did my PhD in applied physics from Abteilung fur Quantenphysik, University of Ulm, Germany, and got post-doctorate experience in the USA, Germany, Brazil, and Japan. I have introduced new research horizons in Pakistan, which include Ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices, Bose-Einstein condensation, Nano Electro-Opto-Mechanics, Complex dynamics, Nano-Devices, Nonlinear Quantum optics, Quantum Information, and Quantum Computation. As invited speaker in international conferences and workshops, I have travelled around the globe and presented the scientific achievements.
I have been working on the research topics on the pressing global problems of human survival, development, and welfare. In my work I have studied the higher radiation dosage in the soil of Hunza, Gilgit and Skardu and its effect on the people. This has helped to determine the higher than average radiation impact on the people and suggest them to improve their living accordingly. In the early days of COVID19 pandemic I presented new mathematical model to study pandemic dynamics and control. I provided parameters important to develop a national strategy to eradicate the pandemic. In addition, I suggested ways to limit its expansion nationally and internationally.
In 2001, I have made a science forum named as Enchanting Horizons of Science, which has served as a popular platform to discuss the latest issues in science and technology. In year 2005 I have launched first free-for-all web based international science journal ‘International Journal of Science Echoes’. These platforms are educating research community, students and people in general about the latest science topics. In year 2021, I have launched the ‘Society for Promotion of Science’.
My Work
Research Papers
Book/ Book Chapters
Courses Offered
National and International Awards
Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Star of Excellence): Civil Award from the President of Pakistan
Pride of Performance: Civil Award from the President of Pakistan
Abdus Salam Prize
Fellow of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science
Fulbright Fellow: United States Educational Foundation
The World Academy of Sciences Prize
World Lab Fellowship
BCCI Award
Gold Medal by Pakistan Academy of Sciences
Fields of Research & Expertise
- Ultra-cold Atoms and Bose-Einstein Condensation
- Nano Electro- Opto- Mechanics
- Quantum Information and Quantum Computation
- Classical and Quantum Chaos
- Quantum Optics
- Laser Theory
- Life Sciences
- Bridging Science Policy and the Humanities